Meals & Refreshments | Sample Menu
Healthy well-balanced and nutritious food is provided for the children and is all prepared on site by our full-time cook. We can cater for all special dietary needs.
We want to encourage healthy eating by providing foods such as meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, beans, fresh fruit and vegetables.While the children sometimes have cake and biscuits, sweets are limited to parties and treats.
Food additives, colours, flavourings, preservatives are avoided. Juices are sugar free and all other foods are low in sugar and fat. Water is available throughout the day.
Most of our baby foods are also home cooked on the premises. We take great care in giving your babies a well balanced and varied diet consisting of purees of fish, meat and fresh vegetables as well as organic baby pasta and rice – all free from salt and sugar.
Menus are displayed every day, copies of which can be obtained on request.
8.00 – 8.30am – Toast & milk (babies have cereal if required)
10:30 am – Milk or juice and fresh fruit
12:00 noon – A nutritious two course lunch with drink (e.g Fisherman’s Pie with broccoli & rice pudding)
2:30 pm – Milk or juice and biscuit/fruit/breadsticks
4:00 pm – Afternoon tea (e.g sandwiches/pitta with hummus,crumpets, fruit, raisins)
Babies have another hot meal at tea time.